About Us

MASS Developments UK Ltd. 

Mass Developments (Uk) Ltd. is a well-known family run bussiness that predominantly operates out of the South West of England and Wales. We established the business in the late 90's with Bricklaying being our main contracting, however as the recesion had been forced up on us we have gradually grown our business into other sectors of the market place, making us a stronger operating business.


We now operate in different sectors of the Construction Industry and have great experience in the following Sevices:


  • Property Maintenance
  • Crane & HIAB
  • Mass Haulage & Logisitics
  • Removals & Storage
  • New Build Properties
  • Estate Completions
  • Site Clearance & Landscaping
  • Project Management & Consultancy


and can offer any of these services to you today!

Our successful winning formula:

  • Customer proximity: we are familiar with the local market as well as the interests and needs of our clients.
  • Expertise: our staff are highly-trained, every one being a specialist in the latest professional, legal and technical developments.
  • Flexibility: we are open to requests and proposals from our clients and can recommend supplementary customer-focused management products and services as well as individual management proposals.
  • Transparency: trust comes from years of working together. It is also the result of openly communicating all management activities, including costs and programming.
  • User friendly, in the interests of our clients we aim to make life using the Mass Group as painless as possible, relieving the problems thats yours to ours and dealing with them first hand. This way we experience repeat business and secure payment for excelent service provided.
  • Security, we are fully insured, thus protecting clients' property assets furthermore we are a cash positive business with now borrowing making us less risk of insolvency on the part of Mass Developments UK Limited.

We are also keen to demonstrate the quality of our professional administration. We would be very pleased to meet you in person for a no-obligation appointment and property inspection.

Company Details:


Mass Developments UK Limited


Registered office

Brook Gate House, 15 Brook Gate, Ashton Vale Business Park, South Liberty Lane

Bristol BS3 2UN


Contact details

Tel: 01179 023339

E-mail: msteventonsmith@massgroup.biz

Fax: 0117 902 3339


Registered In England & Wales No: 4007317


VAT No: 763 0259 37


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Our Management Team

Mark Steventon-Smith

Managing Director

Brooke Steventon-Smith

Office Manager



Paul Steventon- Smith



Kari-anne Webb


Administrative Assistant


Jo Steventon-Smith


Finance Director

Mason Steventon-Smith

Transport Operations Manager



Jenna Gibbs


Quanitiy Surveyor







Would you like a free, no-obligation quote? Simply call us on:


0117 902 3339 


For Property Mainteance: orders@massgroup.biz


For Crane Hire: cranelorries@massgroup.biz  


You can also use our contact form.


Mass Developments UK Limited

Brook Gate House, 15 Brook Gate, Ashton Vale Business Park, South Liberty Lane

Bristol BS3 2UN


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© Mass Developments UK Limited