Site Infrastructure Adoption Specialists & Complete Construction Solutions


Section 104, 106, 185 Agreements - Water Industry Act 1991

We have a dedicated team that are devoted to site infrasturucture and adoption.


We have vast experience in this filed are able to provide all the necessary skills and resources required to successfully continue delivering sewer adoptions for a range of varied client types.

We have extensive experience in all matters relating to the adoption of Sewers and have represented clients with various UK Water & Sewerage companies.


We have a successful track record within the industry based on the large volumes of sewer adoptions we have achieved for developers over the years.


We proactively remain in constant and regular liaison with the industry regulators and associated parties to ensure we are fully advised and up to date with any forthcoming or planned changes in legislation or protocol. This ensures our knowledge and expertise are consistently sustained and relevant.


Section 37, 38, 50, 184 & 278 Agreements - Highway Act 1980

We operate a very streamlined and comprehensive highway adoption service and have the capability to resolve any of the wide ranging, multi discipline and numerous issues that can often preclude the transfer of a projects roads, footpaths and street lighting to the Local Authority.


Achieving adoption of a highway is often one of the last remaining tasks on a development project. We always take pride in ensuring the delivery of a positive result as quickly and efficiently as possible for our clients.


We recognise the importance of establishing and build relations with Local Authority Highway (LA) departments. To ensure the LA requirements are met and at a cost and time frame that meets the clients requirments.


Section 106 Agreements - Town & Country Planning Act 1990

We have an extensive understanding of the numerous planning clauses and can work with the various required departments within a Local Authority to both ascertain and undertake the associated works to satisfy their requirements and manage the successful land transfer.


Transferring the ownership and maintenance responsibility of an open space to the Local Authority is widely perceived to be a very difficult and complex process. It is because of this fact that we are very proud of the experience, success and commendation that we have received within the industry for our performance in the area.


The drivers to deal with an open space adoption are not always immediately apparent; however where adoption has been stipulated in a section 106 agreement the transfer is a legal binding planning condition. In addition the continued maintenance costs and ongoing liabilities associated with an unadopted open space can become rather considerable.





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0117 902 3339 


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Mass Developments UK Limited

Brook Gate House, 15 Brook Gate, Ashton Vale Business Park, South Liberty Lane

Bristol BS3 2UN


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